This is nice because it is less overwhelming than some of the other, larger mods. So you can look at it as spell improvements. For example, each spell can be upgraded 10 times. In fact, it really just adds 39 new spells.

This mod is more focused on changing the mechanics of magic in the game than just adding tons of new spells. It's difficult to summarize new spells, but here are a few more to give you an idea of what Apocalypse has to offer. Some Conjuration spells allow you to summon mounts - nice when you're tired of just using horses all the time or find yourself strapped for cash.

For example, there's an Alteration spell that makes you run much faster and is very inexpensive to cast. Here are a few that I'd love to see appear in October. The fact it's coming to the next-gen consoles and updated graphics are nice too, but the clincher is the mod support.